The Scout Staff and It's Uses

#ThrowbackThursday from the 1911 Boy Scout Handbook

Many boys, upon taking up the Scout Movement, are dubious about the value of the scout staff and many friends of the movement ask "Why does a boy scout carry a staff?"
Experience has proven it to be one of the most helpful articles of equipment. In order to show this we are reproducing, through the courtesy of Lieut-Gen. Sir Robert S. S. {366} Baden-Powell, illustrations from printed matter used by the English boy scouts. These illustrations show a number of different ways in which the staff will prove a handy and valuable article; in fact, essential to the Scout outfit.

Pascal's Law

Webelos Scientist Activity Badge
Req. 2.

Pascal's law or the principle of transmission of fluid-pressure is a principle in fluid mechanics that states that pressure exerted anywhere in a confined incompressible fluid is transmitted equally in all directions throughout the fluid such that the pressure variations (initial differences) remain the same.

A great example of this is the next time you brush your teeth.  As you squeeze the toothpaste tube you are acting on Pascal's Law. What happens to the toothpaste as you apply pressure to the tube? Why does the toothpaste not stay within the tube as you apply pressure?

How To Predict The Weather


People have been watching the skies for millennia to help them predict the weather. Check the following folklore predictions with your own observations to see how many might be true. 

Red sky at sunset is a sign of a fair tomorrow. (The sky you see at sunset is air that will reach you tomorrow. Dry air produces a red glow, whereas wet air produces a yellow-gray sky color.)
Dull moon and stars foretell a rainy tomorrow.
Lightning from the westerly sky is from a storm that is on its way toward you. 
Towering, ragged clouds predict a rain squall and wind. 
A sky full of webby cirrus clouds foretells a rainy spell on its way.
A halo around the sun or moon means a warm front is on its way, with rain. 
Dark clouds against a lighter ceiling foretell a windy rainstorm.
The higher the clouds, the finer the weather. Lowering clouds foretell rain. 
When swallows fly high, it will be dry.
If the cows are lying down, it will rain.
A good fall for fruit means a hard winter to come. Wind direction also helps forecast the weather:
The west wind generally brings clear weather, except when it blows off the ocean.
The north wind brings clear, cold weather.
The south wind brings heat and sometimes showers.
The east wind brings rain east of the Rockies. When rain is near, nature gets excited. Look for these signals:
Tree frogs cry.
Fish swim near the surface.
Flies sting.
Low clouds move swiftly.
Gone-to-seed dandelions close up like an umbrella.
Cloverleaves fold together.

Bird Watching Merit Badge Requirement 8a.

8. Do ONE of the following. For the option you choose, describe what birds you hope to attract, and why.
    1. Build a bird feeder and put it in an appropriate place in your yard or another location.
    2. Build a birdbath and put it in an appropriate place.
    3. Build a backyard sanctuary for birds by planting trees and shrubs for food and cover.


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