Forester Activity Badge

Do five of these:
  1. Make a map of the United States. Show the types of forests growing in different parts of the country. Name some kinds of trees that grow in these forests.
  2. Draw a picture to show the plant and tree layers of a forest in your area. Label the different layers. (If you don't live in an area that has forests, choose an area that does and draw a picture of that forest.)

Scientist Activity Badge

Do these:
  1. Read Bernoulli's Principle. Show how it works.
  2. Read Pascal's Law. Tell about some inventions that use Pascal's law.
  3. Read Newton's first law of motion. Show in three different ways how inertia works.
  4. While you are a Webelos Scout, earn the Cub Scout Academics belt loop for Science.
And do six of these:

Handyman Activity Badge

Do these
  1. With your parent, guardian, or Webelos den leader, complete the Responsibility Character Connection.
    1. Know: List all the tasks you can think of that are necessary in keeping a household in good shape. Name the tasks that are your responsibility. Tell what it means to be responsible for these tasks.
    2. Commit: Talk about what happens when people don't do their jobs. Tell why it is important to be helpful and to be responsible. list ways that you can be more responsible on your own.
    3. Practice: Choose one of the requirements and show how you are responsible by doing that task well for two weeks.
and do six of these:

Indian Lore Games

3a. Learn three games played by a group or tribe. Teach and lead one game with a Scout group.

Engineer Activity Badge

Do both of these:
  1. Talk to an engineer, surveyor, or architect in your area about the different occupations in engineering. Create a list that tells what they do
  2. Draw a floor plan of your house. Include doors, windows, and stairways.
And do four of these:

Craftsman Activity Badge

Do These:
  1. Explain how to safely handle the tools that you will use for this activity badge safely.
  2. With adult supervision and using hand tools, construct two different wooden objects you and your Webelos den leader agree on, such as the items listed below. Use a coping saw or jigsaw for these projects. Put them together with glue, nails, or screws. Paint or stain them.

Readyman Activity Badge

Do all of these:
  1. With your parent, guardian, or Webelos den leader, complete the Courage Character Connection.
    1. Know: Define the importance of each courage step: Be strong; Be calm; Be clear; Be careful. Explain how memorizing the courage steps helps you to be ready.
    2. Commit: Explain why it is hard to follow the courage steps in an emergency. Tell when you can use the courage steps in other situations (such as standing up to a bully, avoiding fights, being fair, not stealing or cheating when tempted, etc.)
    3. Practice: Act out one of the requirements using these courage steps: Be strong; Be calm; Be clear; Be careful.

Family Member Webelos Activity Badge

Do all of these:
  1. Tell what is meant by family, duty to family, and family meetings.
  2. Make a chart showing the jobs you and other family members have at home. Talk with your family about other jobs you can do for the next two months.
  3. Make a list of some things for which your family spends money. Tell how you can help your family save money.
  4. Plan your own budget for 30 days. Keep track of your daily expenses for seven days.
  5. Take part in at least four family meetings and help make decisions. The meetings might involve plans for family activities, or they might be about serious topics that your parent wants you to know about.
  6. With the help of an adult inspect your home and surroundings. Make a list of hazards or lack of security that you find. Correct one problem that you found and tell what you did.

Keep Your Life Jacket On!

Six-fifteen-thirteen (06/15/2013)
At first glance this looks like the combination to my high school locker. In fact, it is the date that was almost on my headstone.

Springville Troop 61

Springville Troop 61
Please help us get to Camp!
Yard Sale and Pancake Breakfast
400 East 800 South – Springville
$5.00 – Single all you can eat pancakes!

$15.00 – Family all you can eat pancakes!

Unable to make it? We gladly accept donations. 

Communicator Activity Badge

Do seven of these
  1. Play the Body Language Game with your den.
  2. Prepare and give a three-minute talk to your den on a subject of your choice.
  3. Invent a sign language or a picture writing language and use it to tell someone a story.
  4. Identify and discuss with your den as many different methods of communication as you can (at least six different methods).

Citizen Activity Badge

Do this
  1. With your parent, guardian, or Webelos den leader, complete the Citizenship Character Connection.
    1. Know: List some of your rights as a citizen of the United States of America. Tell ways you can show respect for the rights of others.
    2. Commit: Name some ways a boy your age can be a good citizen. Tell how you plan to be a good citizen and how you plan to influence others to be good citizens.
    3. Practice: Choose one of the requirements for this activity badge that helps you be a good citizen. Complete the requirement and tell why completing it helped you be a good citizen.
Do all of these:

Traveler Activity Badge

Do five of these:
  1. Get a map or timetable from a railroad, bus line, airline, subway, or light rail. The line should serve the place where you live or near where you live. Look up some places it goes.
  2. Use a timetable to plan a trip from your home to a city in another state by railroad, bus, airline, or ferry.

Showman Activity Badge

Do this:

  1. Complete six activities of your choice; these can be from any area (puppetry, music, or drama).

And do one of these not already done for requirement 1:

Scholar Activity Badge

Do this:
  1. With your parent, guardian, or Webelos den leader, complete the Positive Attitude Character Connection.
    1. Know: Discuss with your parent, guardian, or your Webelos den leader, what it means to have a positive attitude and the "BEST" steps you can take to have a positive attitude. (Believe it can happen, Expect success, Set your mind, and Try, try, try.
    2. Commit: Plan with your parent, guardian, or your Webelos den leader, how you will apply the "BEST" steps for a positive attitude in doing your school-work and in other areas of your life.
    3. Practice: Do your "BEST" to have a cheerful and positive attitude while doing the requirements for this activity badge.

Den Flag Opening Ceremony

The den forms a tight circle with the den flag in the center.  Each boy grasps the flagstaff with his left hand and makes the Cub Scout sign with his right hand, and says the Cub Scout Promise.

Printable Version

Artist Activity Badge

Do These:
  1. Talk to an artist in your area or to your art teacher about the different occupations in the art field.  Make a list of them.
  2. Create a scrapbook (portfolio) of your Artist activity badge projects and show it to your den leader.
Do Five of These:
  1. Draw or paint an original picture out-of-doors, using the art materials you prefer.  Frame the picture for your room or home.
  2. List the primary and secondary colors.  Explain what happens when you combine colors.
  3. Using a computer, make six original designs using straight lines, curved lines, or both.
  4. Draw a profile of a member of your family.
  5. Use clay to sculpt a simple object.
  6. Make a mobile, using your choice of materials.
  7. Make an art construction, using your choice of materials.
  8. Create a collage that expresses something about you.
  9. While you are a Webelos Scout, earn the Cub Scout Academics belt loop for Art.

Sportsman Activity Badge

  1. Show the signals used by officials in one of these sports: football, basketball, baseball, soccer, or hockey.
  2. Explain what good sportsmanship means.
  3. While you are a Webelos Scout, earn Cub Scouting Sports belt loops for two individual sports (badmintonbicyclingbowlingfishinggolf,gymnasticsmarblesphysical fitnessice skatingroller skatingsnow ski and board sportsswimmingtable tennis, or tennis).
  4. While you are a Webelos Scout, earn Cub Scouting Sports belt loops for two team sports (baseballbasketballsoccersoftballvolleyballflag football, or ultimate).

Fitness Activity Badge

Do this:
  1. With your parent, guardian, or Webelos den leader, complete the Health and Fitness Character Connection.
    1. Know: Tell why it is important to be healthy, clean, and fit.
    2. Commit: Tell when it is difficult for you to stick with good health habits. Tell where you can go to be with others who encourage you to be healthy, clean, and fit.
    3. Practice: Practice good health habits while doing the requirements for this activity badge.
And do six of these:

Athlete Activity Badge

Do these:
  1. With your parent, guardian, or Webelos den leader, complete the Perseverance Character Connection.
    1. Know: Review the requirements and decide which ones might be more difficult for you to do. Make a plan to complete one of the harder requirements.
    2. Commit: When doing the harder requirement, did you ever feel frustrated or angry? What did perseverance have to do with that? Name another type of task for which you will need to persevere.
    3. Practice: Practice perseverance by following your plan to do that requirement for the Athlete activity badge.

Aquanaut Activity Badge

Do these:
  1. Jump into water over your head. Come to the surface and swim 100 feet, at least half of this using a backstroke.
  2. Stay in the water after the swim and float on your back and your front, and demonstrate survival floating.
  3. Put on a personal floatation device (PFD) that is the right size for you. Make sure it is properly fastened. Wearing the PFD, jump into water over your head. Show how the PFD keeps your head above water by swimming 25 feet. Get out of the water, remove the PFD, and hang it where it will dry.


4th of July (4) Activity Badges (35) Adventures (9) American Business (2) American Cultures (1) American Heritage (3) American Labor (1) Animal Science (2) Aquanaut (3) Archaeology (1) Archery (4) Architecture (2) Arrow of Light (1) Art (5) Artist (3) Astronomy (6) Athlete (3) Athletics (1) Automotive Maintenance (1) Aviation (1) Backpacking (2) Badminton (2) Baseball (3) Basketball (2) Basketry (2) Bear (1) Bear Achievements. (32) Bear Electives (27) Bicycling (2) Bird Study (2) blog (15) Bobcat (2) Bobcat Requirements (6) Bowling (2) Boy Scouts (272) Bugling (1) Campcraft (6) Campgrounds (2) Camping (18) Canoeing (2) Ceremonies (5) Character Connections (1) Chess (6) Cinematography (1) Citizen (3) Citizenship (2) Citizenship in the Community (3) Citizenship in the Nation (3) Citizenship in the World (1) Climbing (1) Coin Collecting (2) Collecting (2) Collections (1) Communicating (3) Communication (2) Communicator (2) Composite Materials (1) Computers (3) Cooking (5) Cooperation (1) Crafts (5) Craftsman (2) Crime Prevention (1) Cub Scout Belt Loops (61) Cub Scouts (366) Cub Scouts Pins (57) Cubmaster (5) Cycling (1) Dentistry (2) Disabilities Awareness (3) Dog Care (2) Drafting (1) Duty To God (1) Eagle Palm Requirements (2) Eagle Requirements (3) Electives (17) Electricity (1) Electronics (1) Emergency Preparedness (1) Energy (1) Engineer (3) Engineering (1) Entrepreneurship (1) Environmental Science (1) Family Life (1) Family Member (2) Family Travel (2) Farm Mechanics (1) Fingerprinting (4) Fire Safety (5) First Aid (6) First Class Requirements (4) Fish and Wildlife Management (1) Fishing (4) Fitness (3) Flag Ceremonies (3) Flag Football (2) Fly-Fishing (1) Forester (2) Forestry (2) Games (1) Gardening (3) Gathering Activity (3) Genealogy (3) Geocaching (1) Geography (2) Geologist (2) Geology (3) Golf (3) Good Manners (2) Graphic Arts (1) Gymnastics (1) Handyman (2) Health and Fitness (1) Heritages (2) Hiking (20) Hockey (2) Holidays (11) Home Repairs (1) Horseback Riding (2) Horsemanship (1) How To Tuesday (10) Ice Skating (2) Indian Lore (2) Insect Study (1) Inventing (1) Joining Requirements (14) Jokes (12) Journalism (1) Kayaking (1) Kickball (2) Knots (5) Landscape Architecture (1) Language and Culture (2) Law (3) Leatherwork (1) Leave No Trace (1) Life Requirements (2) Lifesaving (2) Local Troops (1) Mammal Study (1) Map and Compass (2) Marbles (2) Mathematics (2) Medicine (2) Merit Badges (169) MeritBadgeMonday (2) Metalwork (1) Model Design and Building (1) Motorboating (2) Music (5) Naturalist (2) Nature (3) Nuclear Science (1) Nutrition (2) Oceanography (1) Orienteering (3) Outdoor Fun (1) Outdoorsman (2) Pack Meetings (6) Painting (2) Parents (1) Personal Fitness (3) Personal Management (1) Pet Care (2) Pets (2) Photography (4) Physical Fitness (2) Pinewood Derby (2) Pioneering (1) Plant Science (1) Plumbing (1) Pottery (1) Public Health (2) Public Speaking (1) Pulp and Paper (1) Radio (1) Railroading (1) Reading (1) Reading and Writing (2) Readyman (2) Recipes (4) Reptile and Amphibian Study (2) Required Adventures (1) Resourcefulness (1) Responsibility (2) Rifle Shooting (1) Robotics (1) Roller Skating (2) Rowing (1) Running (26) Safety (5) Salesmanship (1) Scholar (2) Scholarship (1) Science (5) Scientist (4) Scoutcraft (3) Scouting Heritage (1) Scoutmasters Minute (1) Scuba Diving (1) Sculpture (1) Search and Rescue (1) Second Class Requirements (7) Shotgun Shooting (1) Showman (2) Skateboarding (2) Skating (1) SkitsRun-ons (15) SM Minute (1) Small Boat Sailing (1) Snow Ski and Board Sports (2) Snow Sports (1) Soccer (2) Softball (2) Soil and Water Conservation (1) Songs (7) Space Exploration (1) Sports (2) Sportsman (3) Stamp Collecting (2) Star Requirements (2) Stories (15) Surveying (1) Swimming (7) Table Tennis (2) Tenderfoot Requirements (11) Tennis (2) Textile (1) Theater (1) Throwback Thursday (8) Tiger (22) Tiger Cub Achievement (7) Tiger Cub Elective (4) Tiger Cub Requirements (6) Tiger Cubs (14) Traffic Safety (2) Trails (6) Traveler (2) Truck Transportation (1) Ultimate (2) Valentines Day (1) Veterinary Medicine (1) Video Games (2) Videos (8) Volleyball (2) Water Sports (1) Weather (5) Webelos (44) Webelos Requirements (2) Welding (1) Whitewater (1) Wilderness Survival (1) Wildlife Conservation (2) Wolf (24) Wolf Achievement (15) Wolf Adventures (20) Wolf Electives (41) Wolf Requirements (5) Wood Carving (1) Woodcraft (1) Woodwork (1) Worksheets (4)